Normalization Rules

Defines the classes and properties to be used in the construction of
groves from the parsing of SGML documents.

Classes and properties are classified as follows:
  o Abstract or SGML document string (SDS)
  o SGML declaration, document prolog, or document instance
  o Required only for support of datatag, rank, shortref, link, subdoc,
    fpi, architectures, notset, fsi, genarc, pelement.

ESIS corresponds roughly to the combination of baseabs (base abstract),
prlgabs0, and instabs (instance abstract).

Module: base abstract
Class: SgmlDocument
Property: SgmlConstants
Property: ApplicationInfo
Property: Prolog
Property: Epilog
Class: SgmlConstants
Class: AttributeAssignment
Property: Value
Property: Name
Property: Implied
Property: TokenSep
Class: AttributeValueToken
Property: Token
Class: DataChar
Property: Char
Property: NonSgmlBitCombination
Class: Sdata
Property: SystemData
Property: Char
Class: Pi
Property: SystemData
Module: prolog abstract level 0
Property: GoverningDoctype on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: DoctypesAndLinktypes on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Class: DocumentType
Property: Name
Property: Governing
Property: GeneralEntities
Property: Notations
Class: Entity
Property: Name
Property: EntityType
Property: Text
Property: ExternalId
Property: Attributes
Property: NotationName
Property: Notation
Class: Notation
Property: Name
Property: ExternalId
Class: ExternalId
Property: PublicId
Property: SystemId
Property: GeneratedSystemId
Module: instance abstract
Property: DocumentElement on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: Elements on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: Entities on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: DefaultedEntities on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: Entity on AttributeValueToken in Baseabs
Property: Notation on AttributeValueToken in Baseabs
Property: Referent on AttributeValueToken in Baseabs
Class: Element
Property: Gi
Property: Id
Property: Attributes
Property: Content
Class: ExternalData
Property: EntityName
Property: Entity
Module: base sgml document string level 0
Property: EntityName on Sdata in Baseabs
Property: Entity on Sdata in Baseabs
Property: EntityName on Pi in Baseabs
Property: Entity on Pi in Baseabs
Property: Defaulted on Entity in Prlgabs0
Module: base sgml document string level 1
Property: EntityRef on Pi in Baseabs
Property: OpenDelim on Pi in Baseabs
Property: CloseDelim on Pi in Baseabs
Property: AttributeSpec on AttributeAssignment in Baseabs
Property: AttributeValueSpec on AttributeAssignment in Baseabs
Property: InterpReplacedChar on DataChar in Baseabs
Property: NamedCharRef on DataChar in Baseabs
Property: NumericCharRef on DataChar in Baseabs
Property: Markup on Sdata in Baseabs
Class: SSep
Property: Char
Property: NamedCharRef
Class: Comment
Property: OpenDelim
Property: Chars
Property: CloseDelim
Class: CommentDecl
Property: Markup
Class: IgnoredMarkup
Property: Markup
Class: EntityStart
Property: Markup
Property: EntityName
Property: Entity
Class: EntityEnd
Class: MarkedSectionIgnoredChar
Property: Char
Class: InterpIgnoredChar
Property: NamedCharRef
Property: Char
Class: GeneralDelim
Property: NamedCharRef
Property: Role
Property: OriginalDelim
Class: Name
Property: OriginalName
Class: ReservedName
Property: RefName
Property: OriginalName
Class: Literal
Property: OpenDelim
Property: Value
Property: CloseDelim
Class: Number
Property: Digits
Class: CharRefCharNumber
Property: NDigits
Class: RefEndRe
Class: AttributeValue
Property: Value
Class: NameToken
Property: OriginalNameToken
Class: MarkedSectionStart
Property: Markup
Property: Status
Class: MarkedSectionEnd
Property: Markup
Module: sgml declaration abstract
Property: SgmlVersion on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: DocumentCharSet on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: CapacitySet on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: SyntaxScope on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: DeclSyntax on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: RefSyntax on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: PrologSyntax on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: Features on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Class: CharSet
Property: CharDescs
Class: CharDesc
Property: DescSetNumber
Property: NChars
Property: BaseSetNumber
Property: BaseCharSet
Property: DescLiteral
Class: Syntax
Property: ShuncharControls
Property: Shunchar
Property: SyntaxRefCharSet
Property: Re
Property: Rs
Property: Space
Property: AddedFunctionChars
Property: Lcnmstrt
Property: Ucnmstrt
Property: Lcnmchar
Property: Ucnmchar
Property: SubstGeneralNames
Property: SubstEntityNames
Property: GeneralDelimAssocs
Property: ShortrefDelims
Property: SyntaxLiteralAssocs
Property: Attcnt
Property: Attsplen
Property: Bseqlen
Property: Dtaglen
Property: Dtemplen
Property: Entlvl
Property: Grpcnt
Property: Grpgtcnt
Property: Grplvl
Property: Litlen
Property: Namelen
Property: Normsep
Property: Pilen
Property: Taglen
Property: Taglvl
Class: AddedFunctionChar
Property: Name
Property: Class
Property: Char
Class: DelimRoleAssoc
Property: Role
Property: Delim
Class: SyntacticLiteralAssoc
Property: SyntacticLiteral
Property: ReservedName
Class: CapacitySet
Property: Totalcap
Property: Entcap
Property: Entchcap
Property: Elemcap
Property: Grpcap
Property: Exgrpcap
Property: Exnmcap
Property: Attcap
Property: Attchcap
Property: Avgrpcap
Property: Notcap
Property: Notchcap
Property: Idcap
Property: Idrefcap
Property: Mapcap
Property: Lksetcap
Property: Lknmcap
Class: Features
Property: Datatag
Property: Omittag
Property: Rank
Property: Shorttag
Property: Simple
Property: Implicit
Property: Explicit
Property: Concur
Property: Subdoc
Property: Formal
Module: sgml declaration sgml document string
Property: SgmlDecl on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: SgmlDeclType on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Class: SgmlDecl
Property: Markup
Module: prolog abstract level 1
Property: AttributeDefs on Notation in Prlgabs0
Property: AttributeDef on AttributeAssignment in Baseabs
Property: ElementType on Element in Instabs
Property: DefaultEntity on DocumentType in Prlgabs0
Property: ElementTypes on DocumentType in Prlgabs0
Property: ParameterEntities on DocumentType in Prlgabs0
Class: ElementType
Property: Gi
Property: OmitStartTag
Property: OmitEndTag
Property: ContentType
Property: ModelGroup
Property: Exclusions
Property: Inclusions
Property: AttributeDefs
Class: ModelGroup
Property: Connector
Property: OccurIndicator
Property: ContentTokens
Class: PcdataToken
Class: ElementToken
Property: Gi
Property: OccurIndicator
Class: AttributeDef
Property: Name
Property: DeclValueType
Property: Tokens
Property: DefaultValueType
Property: DefaultValue
Property: TokenSep
Property: CurrentGroup
Property: CurrentAttributeIndex
Class: DefaultEntity
Property: EntityType
Property: Text
Property: ExternalId
Property: Attributes
Property: NotationName
Property: Notation
Module: prolog sgml document string
Property: EntityDecl on Entity in Prlgabs0
Property: EntityDecl on DefaultEntity in Prlgabs1
Property: NotationDecl on Notation in Prlgabs0
Property: AttributeDefListDecl on Notation in Prlgabs0
Property: ElementTypeDecl on ElementType in Prlgabs1
Property: AttributeDefListDecl on ElementType in Prlgabs1
Property: DocumentTypeDecl on DocumentType in Prlgabs0
Property: AttributeValueSpec on AttributeDef in Prlgabs1
Class: DocumentTypeDecl
Property: Markup
Property: DocumentType
Property: Entity
Class: AttributeDefListDecl
Property: Markup
Property: AssocElementTypes
Property: AssocNotations
Class: ElementTypeDecl
Property: Markup
Property: ElementTypes
Class: EntityDecl
Property: Markup
Property: Entity
Class: NotationDecl
Property: Markup
Property: Notation
Module: instance sgml document string level 0
Property: Included on Element in Instabs
Property: MustOmitEndTag on Element in Instabs
Module: instance sgml document string level 1
Property: StartTag on Element in Instabs
Property: EndTag on Element in Instabs
Property: MovedRe on DataChar in Baseabs
Property: RePosition on DataChar in Baseabs
Property: Markup on ExternalData in Instabs
Class: IgnoredRs
Property: NamedCharRef
Class: IgnoredRe
Property: NamedCharRef
Class: RePosition
Property: RecordEnd
Module: datatag abstract
Property: Datatag on Element in Instabs
Property: DataTagTemplates on ElementType in Prlgabs1
Property: DataTagPaddingTemplate on ElementType in Prlgabs1
Module: rank abstract
Property: RankSuffix on ElementType in Prlgabs1
Property: RankStem on ElementType in Prlgabs1
Property: RankGroup on ElementType in Prlgabs1
Class: RankStem
Property: Stem
Property: ElementTypes
Module: shortref abstract
Property: EmptyShortRefMap on SgmlConstants in Baseabs
Property: ShortRefMaps on DocumentType in Prlgabs0
Property: ShortRefMapName on ElementType in Prlgabs1
Property: ShortRefMap on ElementType in Prlgabs1
Class: ShortRefMap
Property: Name
Property: Map
Class: ShortRefAssoc
Property: ShortRef
Property: EntityName
Property: Entity
Module: shortref sgml document string
Class: ShortRefUseDecl
Property: Markup
Property: AssocElementTypes
Property: Srmap
Class: ShortRef
Property: OriginalDelim
Property: NamedCharRef
Class: ShortRefMapDecl
Property: Markup
Property: Map
Module: link abstract
Property: EmptyLinkSet on SgmlConstants in Baseabs
Property: SimpleLinkInfo on Element in Instabs
Property: LinkAttributes on Element in Instabs
Property: ResultGi on Element in Instabs
Property: ResultElementType on Element in Instabs
Property: ResultAttributes on Element in Instabs
Property: LinkSetInfo on Element in Instabs
Property: LinkSetInfo on DataChar in Baseabs
Class: SimpleLinkInfo
Property: LinkType
Property: Attributes
Class: LinkType
Property: Name
Property: Active
Property: LinkTypeKind
Property: SourceDocumentTypeName
Property: SourceDocumentType
Property: ResultDocumentTypeName
Property: ResultDocumentType
Property: InitialLinkSet
Property: IdLinkSet
Property: LinkSets
Class: LinkSet
Property: Name
Property: LinkRules
Class: LinkRule
Property: AssocGis
Property: AssocElementTypes
Property: Id
Property: Uselink
Property: UselinkName
Property: PostlinkRestore
Property: PostlinkSet
Property: Postlknm
Property: LinkAttributes
Property: ResultGi
Property: ResultElementType
Property: ResultAttributes
Module: link sgml document string
Property: LinkSetDecl on LinkSet in Linkabs
Property: LinkTypeDecl on LinkType in Linkabs
Class: LinkTypeDecl
Property: Markup
Property: LinkType
Property: Entity
Class: LinkSetDecl
Property: Markup
Property: LinkSet
Class: IdLinkSetDecl
Property: Markup
Property: LinkSet
Class: LinkSetUseDecl
Property: Markup
Property: Restore
Property: Linkset
Property: Lksetnm
Property: LinkTypeName
Property: LinkType
Module: subdoc abstract
Class: Subdocument
Property: EntityName
Property: Entity
Module: subdoc sgml document string
Property: Markup on Subdocument in Subdcabs
Module: formal public identifier abstract
Property: FormalPublicId on ExternalId in Prlgabs0
Class: FormalPublicId
Property: OwnerType
Property: OwnerId
Property: TextClass
Property: Unavailable
Property: TextDescription
Property: TextLanguage
Property: TextDesignatingSequence
Property: TextDisplayVersion
Module: sgml architecture abstract
Property: ArcName on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: ArcDocs on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: ClientDoc on SgmlDocument in Baseabs
Property: ArcName on Element in Instabs
Property: ArcElements on Element in Instabs
Property: ClientElement on Element in Instabs
Property: ArcName on Entity in Prlgabs0
Property: ArcEntities on Entity in Prlgabs0
Property: ClientEntity on Entity in Prlgabs0
Property: ArcName on DataChar in Baseabs
Property: ArcDataChars on DataChar in Baseabs
Property: ClientDataChar on DataChar in Baseabs
Property: ArcName on Sdata in Baseabs
Property: ArcSdata on Sdata in Baseabs
Property: ClientSdata on Sdata in Baseabs
Property: ArcName on ExternalData in Instabs
Property: ArcExternalData on ExternalData in Instabs
Property: ClientExternalData on ExternalData in Instabs
Property: ArcName on Subdocument in Subdcabs
Property: ArcSubdocuments on Subdocument in Subdcabs
Property: ClientSubdocument on Subdocument in Subdcabs
Module: formal system identifier abstract
Property: FormalSystemId on ExternalId in Prlgabs0
Class: FormalSystemId
Property: IncludedEntities
Property: ModLevel
Property: ValidModLevel
Property: BitCombinationSize
Property: WordSize
Property: SosSequences
Class: SosSequence
Property: Sequence
Class: StorageObjectSpec
Property: StorageManagerName
Property: Records
Property: RecordTracking
Property: Bctf
Property: OccupiedExtents
Property: ZapEof
Property: Compress
Property: Encrypt
Property: Seal
Property: StorageObjectId
Class: StorageObjectExtent
Property: FirstOctet
Property: OctetCount
Property: LastOctet
Module: data attributes for elements abstract
Property: Notname on Element in Instabs
Property: Notation on Element in Instabs
Property: DataAttributes on Element in Instabs
Module: general architecture common data attributes abstract
Property: IncludedEntities on Entity in Prlgabs0
Property: AltReps on Entity in Prlgabs0
Property: SuperDcn on Entity in Prlgabs0
Module: pseudo-element abstract
Class: PseudoElement
Property: Content
Module: character data abstract
Class: CharData
Property: Chars

Copyright © 1992, 1997 International Organization for Standardization

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