August 19-20, 1997
Le Centre Sheraton Hotel
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Conference Chair: Steve Newcomb, President, TechnoTeacher, Inc.

HyTime is one of the SGML family of ISO standards for information representation and interchange. HyTime is the only internationally standard way to represent hypermedia documents. With its object structure modeling capabilities, supporting the "grove" paradigm used in SGML (including XML) and DSSSL, it is unarguably the most general, abstract, and advanced way to use SGML, and to re-use information of all kinds in every way.

This conference brings together:

These annual GCA-sponsored conferences on HyTime are unique opportunities for everyone who wants to explore the cutting edge of practical hypermedia information interchange.

For questions and information on attending next year's conference, please contact:

100 Daingerfield Road
4th Floor
Alexandria, Virginia
22314-2228 USA
+1 703 519 8160
Fax: +1 703 548 2867

Conference Proceedings

Presenters: If your paper is not linked to, please let me know where to find it! Email

Opening Remarks
Steven Newcomb, IHC Chair, TechnoTeacher
HyTime for Dummies
Donna Hanlon, Mosby Yearbook
A simple and brief example of how HyTime independent links are used to represent drug interactions.
Implementing HyTime for Drug Interactions for Mosby Yearbook
Fred Dalrymple, Martin Hensel Corp.
The source of the Mosby Yearbook Physician's GenRx represents interactions between drugs in HyTime notation, chosen to faithfully represent the interaction relationships. There are roughly 1500 drugs grouped into 535 interaction classes. A Web application was built for physicians to use to interactively access the interactions information. Implementation requirements prevented the use of a HyTime engine, though the project demanded HyTime functionality with good performance. The implementation chosen was straight-forward to build, uses commonly available free tools, shows adequate performance, and offers convenient paths for optimizations if and when they are needed.
Technical Keynote: "State of the HyTime Standard"
Charles Goldfarb, Project Editor, ISO 8879 & 10744, Information Management Consulting
The official publication date of the Second Edition of HyTime was August 1, 1997. Among other things, it includes "SGML Extended Facilities" that are harbingers of things to come for SGML and XML.
Using Architectures in Nortel [SLIDES - Postscript]-[SLIDES - PDF]-[SLIDES - FrameMaker]
Colin Gajraj, Nortel
Nortel is a large, international telecommunications company whose documentation needs are diverse and changing. Corporate-wide interchange of information requires corporate-wide agreement about basic document structures, but diverse user requirements must also be met. The use of inheritable SGML architectures allows diverse document types to have well-defined, validatable structures in common. Generic tools can operate on documents conforming to specific classes. This presentation briefly describes Nortel's work with architectures so far and also touches on future work.
The HyBrick Browser Project [SLIDES]
Masatomo Goto, Fujitsu Laboratories
Fujitsu Labs has created an SGML document browser, HyBrick, that pioneers DSSSL formatting for interactive electronic document presentation.
Case Study: Implementing a Transparent HyTime System for Authors
Carla Corkern, Isogen International
Renee Swank, Isogen International
Manually creating and verifying links to external document objects using a HyTime model can be intimidating, confusing, and difficult for many authors. Unfortunately most of the SGML authoring tools today offer limited or no support for HyTime out of the box. However, through tool customization, HyTime addressing can become automated. This presentation describes and demonstrates one company's implementation that makes HyTime addressing completely transparent for their authors. To establish a link (or relationship) to an object, the author simply points to that object and selects a menu item. The id assignment, lookup, and address insertion is completely automated and hidden, creating a more user-friendly environment for the author.
Putting the Media back in Hypermedia: HyTime for Portable Multimedia Documents [HANDOUT - Color Postscript]
Lloyd Rutledge, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI)
Although by name a hypermedia structuring language, the application of HyTime to the issues of hypermedia in particular has not been the subject of much research. This talk presents the use of HyTime within CMIFed, an authoring and presentation environment used for hypermedia research at CWI. The focus of the talk is on how the use of HyTime affects hypermedia authoring and processing issues. The design of HyTime's incorporation into the environment is presented. The potential use of DSSSL to bridge this division for hypermedia is described. Finally, the use of HyTime and DSSSL, along with the hypermedia presentation standard MHEG-5, in the CMIFed environment is discussed. Throughout this talk, the topics covered are used to illustrate the division in hypermedia between presentation-independent structure and presentation itself, a division that raises different issues in hypermedia than it does in text and hypertext.
HyTime for the Digital Library: The HyTime Engine Peer-Peer Protocol (HEP)
Neill Kipp, Virginia Tech
In the HEP model, HEP servers will collect locally-authored documents and make them available on the network through HEP connections. In place of analogous HTTP, HEP servers will communicate using a more familiar command language: HyTime. The design and implementation of a HEP system in the context of the Networked Digital Library for Theses and Dissertations, architectural forms for the Digital Library, and HyTime architectural forms that become commands in the HEP interchange protocol.
Toward STEP Interchange: Seeing the Document as a Snapshot of the Data. [SLIDES - PowerPoint 95]-[SLIDES - PowerPoint 97]-[XML Example]
Daniel Rivers-Moore, Rivcom
Inherited architectures can be used to apply style and interactive behavior; the simplicity of this cost-effective mechanism is appealing. (Mr. Rivers-Moore is one of two Joint Project Leaders for a project called "SGML and Industrial Data", mandated by ISO TC184/SC4/WG10 to determine a route towards establishing STEP SGML interoperability.)
Hotspotting with HyTime
Carla Corkern, ISOGEN
The railroad industry forum EPCES standard includes a HyTime definition of graphic hotspotting. Isogen has the ability to import from SGML that loads a graphic, pops a grid and hotspots the graphic automatically, and exports its proprietary file format into the HyTime definitions of hotspotting.
A Business Case for Architectures
John D. Rice, Isogen International
The value of architectures is something real and measurable that virtually all applications can and should take advantage of. To illustrate, this presentation outlines one business case for which a simple set of enabling architectures were developed, discusses how the architectures fit into the development of the overall application and attempts to quantify some of the benefits more immediately realized.
Preparing for Intelligent Information Systems: Activity Policies, Electronic Agents and Ethical Transactions. [SLIDES]
Chris Higgins, Lane Powell Spears Lubersky LLP (Seattle)
HyTime's activity policy association facilities combined with digital signature laws will empower electronic agents. These "intelligent" entities will affect most industries and will replace humans in transactions that have heretofor always included humans. Governments' reactions to intelligent information systems must address these conceptual, operational and intellectual property issues, and the principles inherent in HyTime serve as a strong foundation for addressing the multitude of legal issues. From the internal structuring decisions of information asset owners to the legal structure of new intellectual property regimes, the resolution of structural issues will have a significant impact on the future of information systems.
Steven R. Newcomb, TechnoTeacher
TechnoTeacher's GroveMinder project exploits the possibility of creating property sets for non-HyTime architectures, and non-SGML notations.
The Active Hypermedia Delivery System (AHYDS) [SLIDES]
Using an Application-oriented DBMS

Frederic Andres, Visiting Researcher, NACSIS
The Active Hypermedia Delivery System (AHYDS) supports the storage and retrieval of an extensible set of hypermedia documents managing connectivity and consistency. It uses the application-oriented Phasme DBMS, which resolves problems of uniformity of data storage, interoperability, customizability and active behavior. Interoperability is achieved by using such standards as CORBA, SGML/HyTime,and SQL/MM. The testbed project is MODOS (Museum On-Demand Open System), which combines European and Japanese museum information, and which focuses on the development of Active Media Museum documents. The Japanese National Center for Science Information Systems (NACSIS) provides technology and serves as the testbed, and participants include the Louvre Museum, the National Museum of Western Art, and NETIMAGE, a French company that has a key role in the JPEG standard. MODOS requirements include multi-resolution media management for images and video, and support for users in multiple languages.
The Kona architecture for Health Level 7 (HL7) data representation and interchange.
Lloyd Harding, Information Assembly Automation
The Kona architecture is a proposal created in July, 1997 to help jumpstart the SGMLification of patient records and healthcare information technology. It pioneers the application of the Architectural Form Definition Requirements (AFDR) portion of the HyTime 2nd edition, and thus guarantees both document interchange and local control and specialization of healthcare DTDs.
A clinical systems vendor's perspective on HL7, SGML, SGML architectures, and the Kona architecture. [SLIDES]-[PAPER]
Jason Williams, Oceania
HyTime valueref in aircraft manual authoring management [Slides] and Everyday HyTime in everyday applications.
W. Eliot Kimber, ISOGEN
Several scenarios using popular and/or free software to demonstrate HyTime, including Kona demos.